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Program of treating depression, stress and rebuilding immunity

The program of treating depression, stress and rebuilding immunity represents a holistic approach to patient health and homeostasis, i.e., harmony in the body. It was created as a result of the search for a holistic method of treating depression and its implications on the body. It integrates the importance of biological and psychological factors by offering a hybrid therapy that covers psychological support, pharmacological treatment, and the innovative physical method Viofor JPS System.

Pillars of the program

The program is implemented by specialists in various fields who combine their long-standing knowledge and expertise. Treatment of patients is based on 5 pillars, which produce a synergistic effect of hybrid therapy.
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and psychological support

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Medical care and purchase
of prescriptions

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Support in the treatment
of depression and stress

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Rebuilding immunity

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Supporting the treatment of chronic diseases

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Support of psychiatrists and certified psychologists

• Conducting an initial interview with the patient and establishing a treatment plan

• Referring the patient to a specialized doctor at the PTAK medical campus

• Initiating physical treatment with Viofor JPS System after contraindications are eliminated

Pharmacological treatment includes

• Assessment of the patient's health and diagnosis by doctors of different specializations, including psychiatrists

• Fulfillment and purchase of prescriptions

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Support for the treatment of depression by influencing brain waves – strengthening the desired brain waves and inhibiting unwanted ones by means of the Viofor JPS System method through:

• amplitudes of alpha and theta wave rhythms in the right directions, characteristic of the physiological state of relaxation, expressed by the demobilization index of the autonomic nervous system,

• the process of mental alertness taking place in the brain by increasing beta wave amplitudes and decreasing theta wave amplitudes.

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Rebuilding immunity using the Viofor JPS System method

• Positive results from the use of magnetostimulation in the treatment of secondary immune deficiencies are achieved by stimulating the maturation of T lymphocytes and supplementing the deficiencies of this cell population in the immune system.

• In vitro studies confirm the immunocorrective effect of Viofor magnetostimulation seen as a decrease in the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-8 and an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10.

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Treatment of chronic diseases

Through regenerative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispastic and circulation-boosting effects, Viofor JPS System physical treatments effectively support healing numerous chronic diseases. The indications for use of the method are based on long-standing medical research and approved by a certification body for medical devices. Its effectiveness is confirmed by 20 years of use in clinical settings, 360 scientific publications, 41 doctoral dissertations, and over 10 thousand examined patients.

Psychological Help