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Program of treating depression, stress and rebuilding immunity


Zasób 40kartka
Activation, assimilation and integration into Polish society, leveling cultural differences, fear, so that there is a desire to work and look for an apartment.
Zasób 41kartka
Adaptation to new living conditions.
Zasób 42kartka
Self-empowerment, especially for people from the deep provinces.
Zasób 43kartka
Breaking the barrier of reluctance to psychological help, reaching people to open up to psychological help and a new life.

Pillars of the program

The Immunity Rebuilding Foundation organizes group and individual help. It looks for specialists, psychologists, psychiatrists, pays for their work and organizes and equips offices with the necessary medical equipment.
Zasób 32kartka


The socio-cultural integration and assimilation program prepares you to live in the new realities of everyday life in Poland. Classes are profiled for particular groups of recipients: children and teenagers, mothers and employees. It includes lectures, talks, group, subgroup and individual classes, thematic videos and blogs, social media in thematic groups.
Zasób 12kartka


The Immunity Rebuilding Foundation is implementing Stress, Depression and Immune Recovery Program consisting of five pillars. Help is provided in psychological assistance offices in temporary accommodation centers, including Ptak Warsaw Expo, and offices in Primary Medical Care Centres.
pomoc psychologiczna

Download the PDF and learn more about the program

Depression and stress treatment program and rebuilding immunity

Psychological Help