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Who we are

We are a "non-profit" organization engaged in activities for healthcare and health prevention.

Our main focus includes issues of building immunity and its impact on physical and mental health.

What we do

Our goal is to develop and implement treatment methods that promote a holistic view of human health. That is why we are introducing comprehensive therapy programs that combine the knowledge and experience of specialists in various fields, including doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists.

How we do it

We raise awareness about the immune system and its impact on mental and physical wellbeing.

We standardize treatment methods and innovative solutions for health protection and prevention.

We combine various fields of medicine and science to obtain the best therapeutic effects.

We help people with health, mental and physical problems.

Our main areas of activity

Zasób 17kartka

Rebuilding immunity

Zasób 3kartka

Treatment of complications after COVID-19

Zasób 2kartka

Treatment of depression and chronic stress

Zasób 13kartka

Preventive health

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Definition of the World Health Organization

Important documents

Foundation statute


Psychological Help